Heartfelt Condolences on the Passing of Bob Suppiah
Heartfelt Condolences on the Passing of Bob Suppiah
11th December 2023
It is with deep sorrow that we extend our heartfelt condolences on the passing of our esteemed ex-board member, Mr. Bob Suppiah. His passing has left a void that words cannot adequately express, and our thoughts and prayers are with his family, during this difficult time. Bob was a loving family man, with his wife Jane and three daughters always his number one passion.
Bob was an integral part of The IPM family, joining The IPM board in January 2008 and was subsequently elected as chairman between 2011 – 2012. His contributions, dedication and leadership were immeasurable, and his unwavering commitment to the industry were an inspiration to us all. In June 2015, Bob was awarded an IPM Fellowship and continued to serve as an acting member of the board until 2021. During his tenure as a board member, Bob’s insights, passion, and tireless efforts were instrumental in driving the success of our initiatives.
IPM Board Member, Becky Munday pays tribute:
“I can not put into words the shocking news. Bob has been my friend as well as my board colleague for many years, I truly loved listening to his stories about his family-life and daughters, telling of all the fun they got up to. He has always been a big supporter of our nominated charity Coppafeel! and was very generous with time and support for them. It has been a pleasure to have called Bob a friend and not one I can face saying goodbye to.”
IPM Board Member, Graham Temple added:
“I am deeply saddened and shocked by the news of Bob’s passing. We both joined the IPM board on the same day back in January 2008. We shared the same passion for the IPM and the wider industry and quickly became good friends.
Despite Bobs hectic schedule at Sky he always made time to meet for breakfast and a catch up which never failed to be both entertaining and informative.
Bob became IPM chairman in 2011 and it was my honour to present Bob with an IPM fellowship in 2015 on behalf of the board in recognition of his unending support and generosity.
I will never forget his warm smile, kindness, sense of humour, and, most importantly, his love for his family, about whom he spoke frequently. He was a truly remarkable man. He was adored and I will miss him always.”
As we reflect on the profound impact he had on our organisation, we remember him as a visionary who played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of our industry. His legacy will forever be etched in the fabric of our institute, and his memory will continue to inspire us as we move forward.